Output window: "Report Viewer: export/print" function provides incorrect warning in the output window

Output window: "Report Viewer: export/print" function provides incorrect warning in the output window


The "Report viewer: export/print" function issues incorrect warnings in the output window. This has been fixed.


Under certain conditions, the "Report viewer: export/print" function issues incorrect warnings in the output window. This happens if "Output as PDF" with "Export report in" "Filename from variable" is first selected in the configuration for "Target" without linking a variable and then changing the setting for "Target" to "Output on printer". When creating the Service Engine files, a warning is displayed in the output window: "Unable to find a variable linked with the function 'ReportViewer-print." This refers to the discarded configuration of the output as PDF. This warning is misleading and should not be displayed.

This behavior has been changed. After changing the configuration, a warning relating to discarded configurations is no longer displayed.

To benefit from this fix:

  • Update your zenon Software Platform to the latest build of zenon 14 or higher.

Item ID: 279881
Version: 14.00 Build: 239777