OpcUa driver writes structured values even if not advised

OpcUa driver writes structured values even if not advised


The OPCUA32 driver allows writing to variables in structures that are not advised. This has been modified.


The OPCUA32 driver should usually not write structures if the structure is not advised. This applies to variables that have never been advised. However, if the variable has been advised once, a value can be assigned to the variable via the function "Write setpoint". This works even if the variable is no longer advised. The other values of the structure are then filled with the last known values. These may therefore be obsolete.


This behavior has been modified. Variables in structures that are no longer advised can no longer be assigned a value.


To benefit from this fix:

  • Update your zenon Software Platform to the latest build of zenon 12 or higher.


Item ID: 264078
Version: 12.00 Build: 162090