OMR_FINS Read/Write strings wrong from all memory areas
OMR_FINS Read/Write strings in wrong byteorder from all memory areas. It seems as the bytes are switched incorrectly. For example, see the following table:
zenon displays | PLC displays |
davis | adiv |
test | etts |
etts | test |
var | av |
av | var |
OMR_FINS Read/Write strings in wrong byteorder from all memory areas. It seems as the bytes are switched incorrectly. For example, see the following table:
zenon displays | PLC displays |
davis | adiv |
test | etts |
etts | test |
var | av |
av | var |
changed character ordering
Issue Number: 31499
Fixed on Date: 6.3.2014
Versions: 7.10 0 BUILD 11355
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