Number of Alarms is wrong in AML screen if alarms from sub projects are included

Number of Alarms is wrong in AML screen if alarms from sub projects are included


In Multi-Project Administration, the number of alarms is displayed incorrectly in the AML if more than one project is selected. If only one project is selected, the number of alarms is displayed correctly. 

As soon as the integration project and a subproject are selected together, only the alarms of the integration project are displayed. The alarms of the subproject are ignored. This issue has been present since version 11.


This error has been fixed. In the AML, the number of alarms is displayed correctly again when several projects are selected.


To benefit from this fix:

  • Update your zenon Software Platform to the latest build of zenon 11 or higher.


Item ID: 264562
Version: 11.00 Build: 157700