no validation of job variable in the configuration doalog for a 'Create CR' function

no validation of job variable in the configuration doalog for a 'Create CR' function


In the configuration dialog of a 'create control recipe' function it is possible to activate the usage of an individual job variable. When doing so but not linking a variable, this is an invalid configuration. However, there is no warning which prevents users from applying such settings.


In the configuration dialog of a 'create control recipe' function it is possible to activate the usage of an individual job variable. When doing so but not linking a variable, this is an invalid configuration. However, there is no warning which prevents users from applying such settings.


The configuration will now be validated when clicking the 'OK' button. In case of an invalid configuration as described above, a message box will inform the user.


Issue Number: 28154
Fixed on Date: 12.12.2014
Versions: 7.50 0 BUILD 25796