No feedback to an operator on a runtime client when the network authorization token was requested but has already been reserved on another runtime client

No feedback to an operator on a runtime client when the network authorization token was requested but has already been reserved on another runtime client


When an operator requests the network authorization token on a system "C" while the token currently lies with the system "A" but a reservation has been made for the token on system "B", there is no feedback to the operator that the token could not be retrieved and also there is no update of the corresponding system driver variable.


When an operator requests the network authorization token on a system "C" while the token currently lies with the system "A" but a reservation has been made for the token on system "B", there is no feedback to the operator that the token could not be retrieved and also there is no update of the corresponding system driver variable.


An issue has been addressed in the runtime where there was no feedback to the operator when a request to retrieve the network authorization token was denied because it was already reserved on another runtime client.

Issue Number: 37264
Fixed on Date: 19.10.2016
Versions: 7.60 0 BUILD 36068