Moving the position of a function in a script which was deleted, the editor closes with an unhandled exception

Moving the position of a function in a script which was deleted, the editor closes with an unhandled exception


When a function is deleted, a place holder entry still remains in the script. If the position of this placeholder entry is moved in the script via the context menu, the editor closes withan unhandled exception


When a function is deleted, a place holder entry still remains in the script. If the position of this placeholder entry is moved in the script via the context menu, the editor closes withan unhandled exception


An issue was addressed where moving the position of a deleted function in a script caused the editor to close unexpectedly. Now the editor no longer closes and the position of the placeholder can be changed

Issue Number: 28005
Fixed on Date: 2.11.2012
Versions: 7.00 0 BUILD 5