MONITOR - Auto-resize the Service Engine when a monitor gets powered on again

MONITOR - Auto-resize the Service Engine when a monitor gets powered on again


If the Service Engine is running on a system with multiple screens, the display will be adjusted when a screen is restarted. This has been integrated in version 12. 


When the Service Engine is running on a system with multiple screens, the following applies to removing and adding screens:
  • Screen is turned off: The display of the Service Engine is adjusted to the new configuration.
  • A screen that was previously turned off is turned back on:
    An attempt is made to optimally adapt the display and position of the main window of the Service Engine to the resolution and screen configuration.  
Precondition: The main window has been configured with fixed size and position.
If the Service Engine runs on a system with multiple monitors, this applies to removing and adding monitors:
  • Monitor is turned off: The display of Service Engine is adjusted to the new configuration.
  • A previously switched off monitor is switched on again: An attempt is made to optimally adjust the display and position of the main window of the Service Engine to the resolution and monitor configuration.
    Requirement: The main window has been configured with a fixed size and position.

Item ID: 251714
Version: 12.00 Build: 153415