modifying tag values is possible in the tag selection dialog for control strategies

modifying tag values is possible in the tag selection dialog for control strategies


In the Batch Control module in zenon editor it is possible to linke command tags to control strategies. In the dialog where you can select the tags it is actually possible to switch to edit mode and to modify the tags' values. The so edited values will, however, not be saved.


In the Batch Control module in zenon editor it is possible to linke command tags to control strategies. In the dialog where you can select the tags it is actually possible to switch to edit mode and to modify the tags' values. The so edited values will, however, not be saved.


The behaviour of the dialog has been changed so that it is no longer possible to edit values in the tag selection dialog.


Issue Number: 29581
Fixed on Date: 4.11.2013
Versions: 7.20 0 BUILD 17768