MELSECA: Driver does not use maximum block size for read and write requests
The MELSECA driver does not use an optimized block size for reading and (block)writing variables in a consecutive address range.
The MELSECA driver does not use an optimized block size for reading and (block)writing variables in a consecutive address range.
When the new driver configuration option "Optimized reading and writing" is enabled the driver uses a block size of up to 960 words. When disabled the driver behaves as before and uses a block size of up to 64 words.
This option is available only when using Mitsubishi Q series PLCs with the 3E binary format.
Issue Number: 214304
Fixed on Date: 14.5.2020
Versions: 8.10 0 BUILD 65969 | 8.20 0 BUILD 66111
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