Logic Function Blocks: iCOPY, iOR, iAND are not handling the time stamps

Logic Function Blocks: iCOPY, iOR, iAND are not handling the time stamps


zenon Logic function blocks iCOPY, iOR, iAND, iXOR and iNOT did not handle the time stamps and status bits correctly. E.g. the output did not get the copy of the timestamp of the input, but the time of the Function Block execution.

For iORiANDiXOR and iNOT time stamp and status bit processing have been fixed. The function block iCopy was replaced by vsiCopy


  • Update your zenon version 8.20, 10 or 11 to the latest build.

Item ID: 157763
Version: 10.00 Build: 88925
Version: 8.20 Build: 88924