Checklist: Configuring the FTP Function Block in Zenon Logic

Checklist: Configuring the FTP Function Block in Zenon Logic

FTP Connection Parameters:

  • IPServer: The IP address of the FTP server.
  • IPClient: The IP address of the computer where the data will be transferred.
  • UserName: The username for accessing the FTP server.
  • Password: The password for accessing the FTP server.
  • Get_Remotefilepath: The directory path on the FTP server where data is stored.
  • Get_Localdirectory: The directory path on the client where data from the FTP server will be saved.
  • Get_Remotefilename: The name of the file to be transferred between the FTP server and the client.
  • Put_Localfilepath: Specify the local file location.
  • Put_Localfilename: Specify the local file name.
  • Del_Remotefilepath: Remove file path on the FTP server.
  • Del_Remotefilename: Remove file name on the FTP server.
  • Operation:
    • 1: Filelist (opens a data channel for directory listing)
    • 2: Download from FTP Server to Client
    • 3: Upload from Client to FTP Server
    • 4: Delete FTP Server filename or pathname
    • 5: Make Directory
    • 6: Remove Directory
  • Enable: To apply a new operation, toggle the Enable switch on and off.
- Configure the function block with the following information (Screenshot) . Remember to use the FTP format (with double slashes, //) for Get_Remotefilepath.
- After executing Operation 1 -> List, the serverfilelist.txt file will be created in the C:\Windows\Temp directory. Please note that you must navigate directly to this path, rather than using the %temp% variable, to locate the file.