KNX/ EibV2_32 driver sets Bool variables to 0 and back to 1 if a second application reads the same Groups

KNX/ EibV2_32 driver sets Bool variables to 0 and back to 1 if a second application reads the same Groups


The KNX driver EibV2_32 does set Group Variables that are currently TRUE to FALSE and immediatly back to TRUE if a second EibV2_32 driver or even if a second application on the bus is reading (read telegram) the same variables.


The KNX driver EibV2_32 does set Group Variables that are currently TRUE to FALSE and immediatly back to TRUE if a second EibV2_32 driver or even if a second application on the bus is reading (read telegram) the same variables.


Variable values are not set, when a telegram without data is received.


Issue Number: 33699
Fixed on Date: 27.2.2015
Versions: 7.10 0 BUILD 18129 | 7.50 0 BUILD 25796