K5B.exe - XMLMERGE deactivates ALL struct-sub-variables

K5B.exe - XMLMERGE deactivates ALL struct-sub-variables


Sub-variables of structure data type variables can be activated or deactivated in zenon Engineering Studio. When executing the zenon Logic add-on program K5B.exe with the command line option XMLMERGE, all already activated structure data type variables are deactivated. 

Thus all connections of the variables are interrupted. This affects for example Allocations, Functions, Historian, Recipes, Batch, Interlockings, REMA etc. Reactivating the variables does not restore the lost connections. 

To prevent this behavior:

  • Update to the latest build of zenon 10 or 11.

Item ID: 253794
Version: 11.00 Build: 104641
Version: 10.00 Build: 102631
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