It should be possible to access (get and set) specific driver properties of the drivers MODRTU32, MODBUS_ENERGY and BACnetNG via the API. Furthermore it should be possible to export and import the driver configuration in xml format of these drivers via the API.

It should be possible to access (get and set) specific driver properties of the drivers MODRTU32, MODBUS_ENERGY and BACnetNG via the API. Furthermore it should be possible to export and import the driver configuration in xml format of these drivers via the API.


Specific driver properties of the drivers MODRTU32, MODBUS_ENERGY and BACnetNG should be accessible (get and set) via the API. Additionally it should be possible to export and import the driver configuration of these drivers in xml format via the API.


Specific driver properties of the drivers MODRTU32, MODBUS_ENERGY and BACnetNG should be accessible (get and set) via the API. Additionally it should be possible to export and import the driver configuration of these drivers in xml format via the API.


This issue has been addressed by providing access via API for the drivers MODRTU32, MODBUS_ENERGY and BACnetNG.

Issue Number: 38190
Fixed on Date: 30.5.2017
Versions: 7.60 0 BUILD 39532 | 8.00 0 BUILD 46644