It shall be possible in standalone projects to prevent interaction with the process like with the token for network authorization

It shall be possible in standalone projects to prevent interaction with the process like with the token for network authorization


It shall be possible in standalone projects to prevent operation in the same way that is possible through the access token for network authorization, using the value of a variable that can be configured.


It shall be possible in standalone projects to prevent operation in the same way that is possible through the access token for network authorization, using the value of a variable that can be configured.


A new feature has been implemented in the editor and in the runtime. In the editor a variable for "operation lock" can be configured in the interaction section of the project properties.   If during runtime the variable value of the configured variable is "0", there is no limitation in operation. If the variable value is "1", operation is limited. Global variables can no longer be written, alarms can no longer be acknowledged, no interaction with the process is possible anymore.    

Issue Number: 28164
Fixed on Date: 26.11.2012
Versions: 7.00 0 BUILD 5