It may occur that some combobox entries in the recipegroup manager screen cannot be selected in the runtime.

It may occur that some combobox entries in the recipegroup manager screen cannot be selected in the runtime.


The recipegroup manager recipe name and recipegroup name comboboxes do not fit correctly in the screen and do not show a scrollbar before 30 entries so that some of the listed elements cannot be selected properly in the runtime.


The recipegroup manager recipe name and recipegroup name comboboxes do not fit correctly in the screen and do not show a scrollbar before 30 entries so that some of the listed elements cannot be selected properly in the runtime.


An issue as been addressed so that the recipegroup manager comboboxes are now displayed correctly in the runtime.


Issue Number: 32200
Fixed on Date: 22.7.2014
Versions: 7.20 0 BUILD 17768