It may occur at the zenon function "Alarms: acknowledge flashing" with the selected option "All alarms in frame" that no parameter will be shown at the properties.

It may occur at the zenon function "Alarms: acknowledge flashing" with the selected option "All alarms in frame" that no parameter will be shown at the properties.


If a new zenon project was created and a function called "Alarms: acknowledge flashing" was established. Choose "All alarms in frame" and select one of the proposed Frame selections. After saving the parameters the function list shows "???" When a zenon project was converted then the functions of the older project shows the frame name at the function list, but at the dialogue is delineated and it may not work.  


If a new zenon project was created and a function called "Alarms: acknowledge flashing" was established. Choose "All alarms in frame" and select one of the proposed Frame selections. After saving the parameters the function list shows "???" When a zenon project was converted then the functions of the older project shows the frame name at the function list, but at the dialogue is delineated and it may not work.  


Advancements at the zenon function "Alarms: acknowledge flashing" were conducted. Now, it works proper and at the function parameter the selected frame name is delineate.

Issue Number: 32950
Fixed on Date: 5.11.2014
Versions: 7.11 0 BUILD 16009
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