It may happen that some standard recipes screen specific functions are not logged in the chronologic event list in the runtime.

It may happen that some standard recipes screen specific functions are not logged in the chronologic event list in the runtime.


Although the actions are executed correctly, the "new recipe"/"delete recipe"/"read recipe" standard recipes screen specific functions are not logged in the chronologic event list when executed from a client runtime.


Although the actions are executed correctly, the "new recipe"/"delete recipe"/"read recipe" standard recipes screen specific functions are not logged in the chronologic event list when executed from a client runtime.


An issue has been resolved so that the standard recipes screen specific functions are correctly logged in the chronologic event list in the runtime.

Issue Number: 36389
Fixed on Date: 3.5.2016
Versions: 7.20 0 BUILD 28103 | 7.60 0 BUILD 36068