It is not possible to S7 import variables from a TIA project with more than one station for all stations

It is not possible to S7 import variables from a TIA project with more than one station for all stations


Only the first found station is displayed and offered for importing symbols.

A detail research shows that TIA portal projects does not put an unique CPU number for each station CPU. Instead all station CPUs have the number 1.


Only the first found station is displayed and offered for importing symbols.

A detail research shows that TIA portal projects does not put an unique CPU number for each station CPU. Instead all station CPUs have the number 1.


With the fix, the import from TIA should ignore the CPU number and should just put an increasing number on each found CPU / Station.


The CPU Number is automaticly given, but it can also be set in the import dialog to match the current driver configuration.

Issue Number: 34461
Fixed on Date: 26.6.2015
Versions: 7.20 0 BUILD 21629