It is not possible to pre-define a time filter for the Industrial Performance analyzer (IPA) in the editor

It is not possible to pre-define a time filter for the Industrial Performance analyzer (IPA) in the editor


In the project properties for the IP it is possible to pre-define time filters. There exists however, an issue where under special circumstances the dialog for defining the time filter would not open.


In the project properties for the IP it is possible to pre-define time filters. There exists however, an issue where under special circumstances the dialog for defining the time filter would not open.


An issue has been addressed where the dialog for defining a time filter for the IPA in the editor would not open. After the fix, the dialog opens as expected.


Issue Number: 32898
Fixed on Date: 27.10.2014
Versions: 7.10 0 BUILD 15292 | 7.11 0 BUILD 16009