incorrect warning message for unattached dump files in System Information Collector

incorrect warning message for unattached dump files in System Information Collector


When performing a full scan (dump files excluded), the dump files are displayed with the warning text "could not be attached". Actually, they are meant not to be attached, so there is no reason for the warning.


When performing a full scan (dump files excluded), the dump files are displayed with the warning text "could not be attached". Actually, they are meant not to be attached, so there is no reason for the warning.


An issue has been addressed where a warning message was displayed without reason. After the fix not warning is displayed for dump files which are not attached to the SIC file after a scan type which excludes dump files.


There is no need to update your zenon installation to the version/build that includes the fix. You can download the latest version of the System Information Collector from the COPA-DATA forum.

Issue Number: 30540
Fixed on Date: 16.10.2013
Versions: 7.11 0 BUILD 10238