In the formula edit dialog, the replace button might be activated, even though no tag is selected

In the formula edit dialog, the replace button might be activated, even though no tag is selected


When the paste button is used to fill a formula into the formula edit dialog for a condition in the Batch control module, the replace (tag) button is activated, even though no tag is selected. Clicking the button won't do anything.


When the paste button is used to fill a formula into the formula edit dialog for a condition in the Batch control module, the replace (tag) button is activated, even though no tag is selected. Clicking the button won't do anything.


Afther the fix, the button is correctly disabled when there is no selection in the tag list in the formula edit dialog.


Issue Number: 29369
Fixed on Date: 20.12.2013
Versions: 7.20 0 BUILD 17768