In IEC870_10332 driver the serial communication is not restarted via zenon functions "driver command"
The serial communication in the IEC870_10332 driver cannot be restarted via driver commands. The zenon function to stop the driver is stopping communication with PLC, but then the driver start command does not start communication. Also the driver commands switching driver mode between "simulation" and "œhardware" are not reestablishing communication with PLC. In LOG (DiagViewer) there are entries that the serial communication is closed but never reopen.
The issue does not affect the driver when uses not serial but TCP/IP as Data Layer.
The serial communication in the IEC870_10332 driver cannot be restarted via driver commands. The zenon function to stop the driver is stopping communication with PLC, but then the driver start command does not start communication. Also the driver commands switching driver mode between "simulation" and "œhardware" are not reestablishing communication with PLC. In LOG (DiagViewer) there are entries that the serial communication is closed but never reopen.
The issue does not affect the driver when uses not serial but TCP/IP as Data Layer.
Issue was addressed in calls of Stack functions to open/close serial channel.
Issue Number: 34575
Fixed on Date: 15.6.2015
Versions: 7.11 0 BUILD 20530