In command screen the field 'Value response' takes the additional limit text from reaction matrix of action variable

In command screen the field 'Value response' takes the additional limit text from reaction matrix of action variable


Issue since implementation of new feature (see KB Article #172219): the text introduced by the feature in the field for response variable is taken from action variable, which for most actions are the command variable and not the response.

Each variable should take the text from its respective reaction matrix as typically the command variable has only two values - 0 / 1 - OFF/ON. The response variable has typically more states (intermediate, fault etc).


Issue since implementation of new feature (see KB Article #172219): the text introduced by the feature in the field for response variable is taken from action variable, which for most actions are the command variable and not the response.

Each variable should take the text from its respective reaction matrix as typically the command variable has only two values - 0 / 1 - OFF/ON. The response variable has typically more states (intermediate, fault etc).


Issue was addressed in command screen in procedure acquiring the limit text.

Issue Number: 31776
Fixed on Date: 25.4.2014
Versions: 7.10 0 BUILD 13311 | 7.11 0 BUILD 11882