The zenon Report Generator and Report Viewer combine to make up the module "zenon Reporting". The Report Generator, Report Viewer, or both styles can be used in your zenon HMI/SCADA projects. Each style has its own advantages and compliments ...
Windows Performance Monitor can be used and configured to record in the background Windows processes' performance counters and Operating System resources usage on the long run. Windows Performance Monitor logs are useful when troubleshooting system ...
Time estimate: 60 minutes Please go through all the points in the following checklist. If necessary, confirm with IT Department any information you cannot verify before contacting your local COPA-DATA Representative. Checklist usage: #. [Quick hints] ...
A detailed description of the differences can be found in the attached PDF documents (English and German). The description is based on zenon Supervisor 7.50 and zenon Analyzer 3.00.
Most of the components of the zenon Report Engine are running as a service. These are: SQL-Server (MSSQL$ZA2019) Reporting Services (ReportServer$ZA2019) SQL-Server Agent$ZA2019 for scheduled tasks License Service (zrsLicSrv). Only the Service ...