if you delete the linked EQM then the 3D configuration can not opened anymore / pointer exception

if you delete the linked EQM then the 3D configuration can not opened anymore / pointer exception


The configuration of the 3D-Integration is no longer possible after deleting a linked EquipmentModel. This behavior has been modified.


An Equipment Model that is linked to the 3D-Integration is deleted. As a result, the dialog for configuring the 3D-Integration can no longer be opened. When starting the corresponding ActiveX element, an exception for an invalid pointer is shown.


This behavior has been modified. The configuration dialog can now be opened even if a linked EquipmentModel has been deleted.


Attention: All previously configured camera positions are invalid. These are bound to the GUIDs of the EquipmentGroups. You have 2 options:

  • Restore the deleted Equipment Model from an existing XML export of the original models. The camera positions will be restored.
  • Re-create the Equipment Model. The same structure is created. But the GUIDs are new. The camera positions have to be recreated manually.


To benefit from this fix:

  • Update your zenon Software Platform to the latest build of zenon 10 or higher.


Item ID: 261756
Version: 11.00 Build: 157700
Version: 10.00 Build: 153228
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