IEC850 is not updating variables with values from reports received before RCB enable is acknowledged

IEC850 is not updating variables with values from reports received before RCB enable is acknowledged


There are some 61850-Servers sending unbuffered reports before the enabling of the related RCB is acknowledged. The part -7-2 obligates only to write-response+ for EntryID (affects buffered reports), not RptEna. Also Tissue 1454 clarifies this behavior as allowed: a server is not obligated to send a write-response+ for RptEna=true before sending InformationReports. The IEC850 (Client) driver stores data from not acknowledged reports internally but is not transferring to the Runtime. In praxis this means that zenon variables are updated by next re-advice (e.g. screen closed and open again), not immediately. There is simple workaround: create zenon variable for data attributes */GI and */RptEna of assigned RCB and set value 1 to GI when RptEna changes to true.


There are some 61850-Servers sending unbuffered reports before the enabling of the related RCB is acknowledged. The part -7-2 obligates only to write-response+ for EntryID (affects buffered reports), not RptEna. Also Tissue 1454 clarifies this behavior as allowed: a server is not obligated to send a write-response+ for RptEna=true before sending InformationReports. The IEC850 (Client) driver stores data from not acknowledged reports internally but is not transferring to the Runtime. In praxis this means that zenon variables are updated by next re-advice (e.g. screen closed and open again), not immediately. There is simple workaround: create zenon variable for data attributes */GI and */RptEna of assigned RCB and set value 1 to GI when RptEna changes to true.


Now, values from reports are assigned to zenon variables although RCB activation has not been finished at this time

Issue Number: 37068
Fixed on Date: 4.10.2016
Versions: 7.50 0 BUILD 31997