iec850 driver in Cancel command is not using Test[CO] value set by user

iec850 driver in Cancel command is not using Test[CO] value set by user


IEC61850 Client driver in Cancel command service is not using */Oper.Test[CO] value set by user. In Operate and SelectWithValue services driver sends Test-flag correctly, in Cancel sends Test=0.


IEC61850 Client driver in Cancel command service is not using */Oper.Test[CO] value set by user. In Operate and SelectWithValue services driver sends Test-flag correctly, in Cancel sends Test=0.


The Test flag in the Cancel service is now filled with the value */Oper.Test[CO].


Note: Item Test[CO] is in SBOw, Oper and Cancel; Check[CO] only in SBOw and Oper.

Issue Number: 35615
Fixed on Date: 20.11.2015
Versions: 7.50 0 BUILD 25796