iec850 driver during RCB enabling writes OptFlds also when should 'use preconfigured (SCL) options'

iec850 driver during RCB enabling writes OptFlds also when should 'use preconfigured (SCL) options'


The IEC850 Client driver can be configured to do not overwrite Report Control Block attributes when they are not dynamical - checkbox 'use preconfigured (SCL) options'. This driver setting should also protect against write of OptFlds attribute like it does for TrgOps, BufTm and IntgPd. Then also the enabler in driver configuration dialog 'OptFlds' should gray out all checkboxes (but not the button 'OptFlds' - the user may then see what optional fields ware imported by Wizard from SCL).


The IEC850 Client driver can be configured to do not overwrite Report Control Block attributes when they are not dynamical - checkbox 'use preconfigured (SCL) options'. This driver setting should also protect against write of OptFlds attribute like it does for TrgOps, BufTm and IntgPd. Then also the enabler in driver configuration dialog 'OptFlds' should gray out all checkboxes (but not the button 'OptFlds' - the user may then see what optional fields ware imported by Wizard from SCL).


Now when driver setting 'use preconfigured (SCL) options' is activated the driver does not include OptFlds to SetDataValues service when enabling BRCBs or URCBs.


Issue Number: 34467
Fixed on Date: 22.5.2015
Versions: 7.20 0 BUILD 20544