iec850 driver configuration: list of objects for dynamic data set is empty when driver is configured to use symbolic address and variables are renamed to not use ObjectReference.

iec850 driver configuration: list of objects for dynamic data set is empty when driver is configured to use symbolic address and variables are renamed to not use ObjectReference.


The IEC61850 (Client) driver: in the driver configuration the list of objects for dynamic data set is empty when driver is configured to use symbolic address and variables are already renamed.


The IEC61850 (Client) driver: in the driver configuration the list of objects for dynamic data set is empty when driver is configured to use symbolic address and variables are already renamed.


Now driver uses for list of data set objects the variable property: name or identification or symbolic address - depending current driver setting.


Note: when driver uses "Symbolic Address" instead variable names then after import the variables can be renamed to any unique names and not use in name property the IEC61850 ObjectReferences anymore, e.g. valid (and shorter) name would be then R1_Q0CSWI_Pos_RV.

Workaround: enter correct dynamic data set configuration directly in driver configuration TXT file.

Issue Number: 31692
Fixed on Date: 29.1.2015
Versions: 7.11 0 BUILD 18023