Issue when a master sends to IEC60870 Slave (zenon Process Gateway or I/O driver in Logic) the 'Reset process' command - C_RP_NA_1 (T105) with COT=6 (activation):
the Slave transfers to the Runtime the received value of QRP correctly, but it responds in activation confirmation (COT=7) with P/N bit set - so negative.
Issue when a master sends to IEC60870 Slave (zenon Process Gateway or I/O driver in Logic) the 'Reset process' command - C_RP_NA_1 (T105) with COT=6 (activation):
the Slave transfers to the Runtime the received value of QRP correctly, but it responds in activation confirmation (COT=7) with P/N bit set - so negative.
the Slave now responds command activation C_RP_NA_1 positive (COT=7 and P/N=0). It responds the command negative (P/N=1) only when received QRP value is out of range allowed in the Standard (e.g. when QRP=0) or when master uses wrong addressing (e.g. not existing sector).