IEC 61850 Client driver in Logic should have configuration settings BufTm, IntgPd, OptFlds like zenon iec850 driver has

IEC 61850 Client driver in Logic should have configuration settings BufTm, IntgPd, OptFlds like zenon iec850 driver has


zenon version 7.20 has introduced in zenon IEC61850 (client) driver new configuration settings, but not in the Client driver in straton/Logic. The driver configuration RCB settings: Buffer Time, Integrity Period and Optional Fields should be also available in I/O driver in Logic.


zenon version 7.20 has introduced in zenon IEC61850 (client) driver new configuration settings, but not in the Client driver in straton/Logic. The driver configuration RCB settings: Buffer Time, Integrity Period and Optional Fields should be also available in I/O driver in Logic.


The IEC 61850 Client in zenon Logic supports now configurable RCB settings: Buffer Time, Integrity Period and Optional Fields. Feature implementation merged down to 7.20 too.


Issue Number: 34480
Fixed on Date: 8.6.2015
Versions: 7.20 0 BUILD 20544