high memory consumption of recipes containing phases with control strategies.

high memory consumption of recipes containing phases with control strategies.


In Batch Recipes the complete configuration of the included phases is stored including all control strategies, even those which are not active. If for example a phase has 100 control strategies configured in the zenon editor, then only one of these can be selected for the phase in a recipe. However, the 99 others are still stored in the recipe. Due to that the file size of recipes and also the memory consumption when opening and validating the recipes may be high if the recipe contains a lot of such phases. In extreme cases this may even cause an unexpected shutdown of the runtime if it can´t allocate the required amount of memory.


In Batch Recipes the complete configuration of the included phases is stored including all control strategies, even those which are not active. If for example a phase has 100 control strategies configured in the zenon editor, then only one of these can be selected for the phase in a recipe. However, the 99 others are still stored in the recipe. Due to that the file size of recipes and also the memory consumption when opening and validating the recipes may be high if the recipe contains a lot of such phases. In extreme cases this may even cause an unexpected shutdown of the runtime if it can´t allocate the required amount of memory.


The described issue has been resolved by removing the unused control strategies from the recipes. This reduces file size, memory consumption and loading times when working with the batch recipe.

Issue Number: 38718
Fixed on Date: 27.7.2017
Versions: 7.11 0 BUILD 39981 | 8.00 0 BUILD 46644