Fast value changes in the OPC UA server are not correctly sent to the runtime by the OPCUA32 client driver

Fast value changes in the OPC UA server are not correctly sent to the runtime by the OPCUA32 client driver


When a value is changing rapidly in an OPC UA server, not all value changes may be available in the zenon runtime even though the OPCUA32 OPC UA client driver is correctly receiving the PublishResponses with the value changes.


When a value is changing rapidly in an OPC UA server, not all value changes may be available in the zenon runtime even though the OPCUA32 OPC UA client driver is correctly receiving the PublishResponses with the value changes.


An issue has been addressed in the OPCUA32 client driver where under specific circumstances not all received PublishResponses with changes in the value of MonitoredItems would be sent to the runtime. Now all received value changes are sent to the runtime correctly.  


Note: it may be necessary to change the configuration of the driver for the settings Publishing Interval and Sampling Rate, in order to actually receive the value changes from the OPC UA server. Also the OPC UA server must support the shorter Publishing Interval and Sampling Rate configured, and not revise the settings , requested by the client, in the CreateSubsriptionResponse and CreateMonitoredItemResponse.  

Issue Number: 36345
Fixed on Date: 26.4.2016
Versions: 7.20 0 BUILD 28103