FAQ: Why do I see „Unknown Product” in the zenon License Manager instead of Editor and Runtime?
The renaming of platform components from zenon Editor to zenon Engineering Studio and from zenon Runtime to zenon Service Engine with zenon version 10 leads to problems with the license view in the License Manager of versions 8.0, 8.10 and 8.20.
The License Manager of these versions cannot resolve the changed designations of newly issued licenses. It therefore displays "unknown Product".
The solution: COPA-DATA provides a standalone setup of the current zenon 10 License Manager. This setup replaces the affected License Manager with the License Manager of version 10, which can handle both the old and the new names.
If you are affected by the problem, download and install the License Manager version 10 from the product downloads page.
If you have already installed zenon 10, you do not need this setup.
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