FAQ: What are Installation and Security considerations of the zenon Smart Server and Smart Client?
The attached document (English only) describes in some detail the specifics of the zenon Smart Server Application and the zenon Smart Client Application. Also a short explanation of security features and components is given. More information about the zenon Smart Server, the zenon Smart Client and the zenon Network in general, can be found in the zenon online help.

This information does not apply to the zenon HTML5 Web Engine
The following topics are covered in the document:
- zenon Smart Server Application Gateway
- Pro vs. Standard vs. Pro Light
- Smart Client
- Container Application
- Web Browser Support
- Service Engine Server Redundancy
- Smart Server Redundancy
- Service Engine files
- Network Encryption and Client Access Control
- Terminal Server Support
- Active Directory Users
- IIS (Internet Information Services)
- HTTP Tunnelling
- TCP ports
- IPv6
- VPN Tunnels
- Exposed Host / Virtual Server / Port Forwarding
- Future Prospects

The product names used in the attached document is based on the former zenon Software Platform components naming.