FAQ: Several issues were observed where the Smart Client was reloading Service Engine files constantly and also buttons stopped working at some point. What could be the reason for this behaviour?

FAQ: Several issues were observed where the Smart Client was reloading Service Engine files constantly and also buttons stopped working at some point. What could be the reason for this behaviour?

The Smart Client usually loads the Service Engine Files from the Service Engine Server once, and then only checks if the files have changed. Especially on Windows 10 Systems, it may happen that the Smart Client always tries to download all files again from the server. Also the loss of functionality of several buttons is observed.

This can occur due to an access restriction for the Internet Explorer, where the browser is not allowed to access the files (read/write) from the temp-folder anymore. As a result, the Smart Client will load all files in order to have them available in the System memory. This behaviour extends the loading time of the Web Client and might turn it unfunctional.

To solve this issue, it is recommended to adapt the [PATH] section in the zenon6.ini with the following entry:

WEB_PROJECT_PATH= C:\<SampleDirectory> 

Please note that this adaption has to be done on all clients.
It is also recommended to verify the access restrictions of the IE or the Smart Client Starter in case the Issue is not solved by the ini entry.