FAQ: Is it possible to mix zenon components running in 32bit and 64bit modes, can they interconnect? What is possible and what is not?

FAQ: Is it possible to mix zenon components running in 32bit and 64bit modes, can they interconnect? What is possible and what is not?

Generally spoken zenon when installed on a 64 Bit Operating system is always installed including both editions 32 & 64 Bits. On 32 Bit Operating system only the 32 Bit zenon version is installed.

zenon Products:
Most of the basic zenon components for the Engineering Studio and the Service Engine are available in both variants. The first exception at the moment are the zenon drivers these are only available in 32 Bit editions at the moment. Most of the time this is due to the fact that most 3rd party libraries are not available in 64 Bit versions. This also means a Service Engine started in the 64 Bit mode is also using 32 Bit Editions of the zenon drivers. The second exception is zenon Logic Service as this is only available in 32 Bit Editions.

Is a Mixed Operation possible? zenon was designed in a way that a mixture of the different Editions is automatically possible. 

This means the following scenarios are possible:
  1. A project created with the 64 Bit version of the Engineering Studio, can also be edited in the 32 Bit version of the Engineering Studio.
  2. Editing a project in a 32 Bit Engineering Studio and using a 64 Bit Logic Service (or other way round).
  3. Mixing the Service Engines in the zenon Network. E.g. a zenon Server Running as a 64 Bit Edition while a connected Client is running the 32 Bit Edition (same works for the zenon Smart Client).