FAQ: I created a new user-recipe-switching point in the Engineering Studio but in the Service Engine it does not work.

FAQ: I created a new user-recipe-switching point in the Engineering Studio but in the Service Engine it does not work.

This a common issue for all Service Engine changeable modules which are currently:
  1. RGM
  2. Standard Recipes
  3. User administration
  4. Scheduler
There are two situation where protecting these files makes sense:

Protect Service Engine files from overwriting
If all Service Engine files are created or transported, the files meanwhile changed in the Service Engine would be overwritten. In order to avoid unwanted overwriting the files, that should not be created or transported, can be selected here in the section Do not generate and transfer. This is the default setting.

Protect Engineering Studio files from overwriting
Data changed in the Service Engine can be read back. In this case the corresponding Engineering Studio data are overwritten. In order to avoid unwanted overwriting the files, that should not be read back, can be selected here in the section Do not decompile.

How to change the settings: Dialog Service Engine changeable files
You can reach the dialog for configuring the Service Engine changeable files via project settings General/Service Engine changeable data:

The following file types can be selected:
  1. Recipe Group Manager:  Recipe groups and recipes of the Recipe group Manager. At the transfer new files are transferred and new sub-folders are created, deleted files and sub-folders are also deleted on the target system.
  2. Standard Recipes
  3. User Administration: User administration for login and rights administration in the Service Engine.
  4.  Scheduler: Changes in the time models and schedules of the PFS (Production & Facility Scheduler).
 At the project conversion into a newer version take care that Service Engine changeable files are also converted. For this Service Engine files must be imported to the Engineering Studio and after the update copied back to the Service Engine.