FAQ: CodeMeter Dongles are changed from a mass storage device type to a HID device type.

FAQ: CodeMeter Dongles are changed from a mass storage device type to a HID device type.

Within June 2015 the CodeMeter dongles are changed from a Mass Storage Device type to a HID type. HID stands for Human Interface Devices and is usually used for devices like a USB mouse or keyboard.

This affects all dongles from serial number 51.020.000 and 70.001.450. All earlier dongles have been configured as MSD (Mass Storage Device) dongles.

This change has the following impacts:
  1. The dongles will no longer be visible in the drives list of the Windows file explorer. Therefore no misinterpretation will be possible of a drive which can not be used for writing operations.
  2. USB mass storage device blockers will not block the dongle. This is important for security relevant situations where external mass storage devices may be blocked.
  3. The dongle needs slightly longer to be recognized by the operating system and the CodeMeter runtime. When you plug in the dongle: Please be patient.
  4. CodeMeter USB dongles configured as a HID type require at least CodeMeter Runtime version 5.0. A new HID dongle will therefore not be recognized by the older 4.20 CodeMeter Runtime version.
  5. With an existing older installation and the need to use a new dongle, the CodeMeter Runtime needs to be updated. The runtime can be downloaded from the Wibu Web site.