extended trend cursor scanning does not show milliseconds

extended trend cursor scanning does not show milliseconds


At the moment the scanner windows does not show the milliseconds, only the axis in the trend is capable of showing the milli seconds.

If the ETM Property for the x-Axis is set to show Milli Seconds (Scale - MS) -> also the scan Window should show the Milliseconds. If this proertie is inactive the Milliseconnds are not shown.


At the moment the scanner windows does not show the milliseconds, only the axis in the trend is capable of showing the milli seconds.

If the ETM Property for the x-Axis is set to show Milli Seconds (Scale - MS) -> also the scan Window should show the Milliseconds. If this proertie is inactive the Milliseconnds are not shown.


milliseconds are concatenated to date/time-string correctly


Issue Number: 34270
Fixed on Date: 17.4.2015
Versions: 7.10 0 BUILD 19354