Exporting a Recipegroup Manager recipe in ASCII in the runtime does not add the extension ".txt" in all cases
If a Recipegroup manager recipe is exported in ASCII in the runtime using the Recipegroup manager screen specific function, and specifying the desktop for the file destination, under specific circumstances the file extension ".txt" may not be added.
If a Recipegroup manager recipe is exported in ASCII in the runtime using the Recipegroup manager screen specific function, and specifying the desktop for the file destination, under specific circumstances the file extension ".txt" may not be added.
An issue has been addressed in the screen specific function of the Recipegroup Manager screen where the extension may not be added correctly when using the Desktop as the location of the export file on specific systems. Now the extension is correctly added, and an overwrite prompt is also displayed when the file already exists.
Issue Number: 26804
Fixed on Date: 20.2.2013
Versions: 7.10 0 BUILD 5560
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