EUROMAP63: In specific scenario when a machine is providing a .DAT file which has the header located in the middle of the file this results in reading in an endless loop by the driver which also leads to a huge amount of log entries in the diag viewer

EUROMAP63: In specific scenario when a machine is providing a .DAT file which has the header located in the middle of the file this results in reading in an endless loop by the driver which also leads to a huge amount of log entries in the diag viewer


Issue in the EUROMAP63 driver when parsing a DAT file provided by a device, where the header is not in line 0, but in some lines in the middle (e.g. line 9). The driver reads the file in an endless loop, resulting in a large number of “Error parsing report ... “ log entries (visible in the DiagViewer).

The issue has been resolved and the driver now processes such DAT-files correctly. 

To benefit from this fix: 

  • Update your zenon Software Platform to the latest build of zenon 11 or higher. 

Item ID: 288563
Version: 14.00 Build: 314355
Version: 12.00 Build: 301428
Version: 11.00 Build: 314353
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