ETM - Gantt chart is invisible with standard settings

ETM - Gantt chart is invisible with standard settings


When you activate the Gantt chart in the extended trend and you leave the default setting for "Line width" (=0), then the Gantt chart isn't displayed. The problem is, that the standard setting = 0 and this setting is treated different in the Gantt chart: standard curve: (Line width = 0) == (line width = 1) = curve with a line width of 1 pixel Gantt chart: (Line width = 0) == no line The line width for the Gantt chart should be treated the same way as for standard curves.


When you activate the Gantt chart in the extended trend and you leave the default setting for "Line width" (=0), then the Gantt chart isn't displayed. The problem is, that the standard setting = 0 and this setting is treated different in the Gantt chart: standard curve: (Line width = 0) == (line width = 1) = curve with a line width of 1 pixel Gantt chart: (Line width = 0) == no line The line width for the Gantt chart should be treated the same way as for standard curves.


Gantt chart now uses a default width of 1, if configuration is left at starting value of 0.


Fixed on 16.01.2013 , available from 7.00 SP0 Build 6

Issue Number: 26349
Fixed on Date: 16.1.2013
Versions: 7.00 0 BUILD 6 | 7.00 0 BUILD 7