EthernetIP Scanner overloads logic runtime when no connections are established

EthernetIP Scanner overloads logic runtime when no connections are established


Ethernet IP Scanner with lost Connection leads to a cycle time increase until the Connection is reastablished.


Ethernet IP Scanner with lost Connection leads to a cycle time increase until the Connection is reastablished.


Add a Ethernet IP Adapter configuration in the Project, add a Scanner connection to connect (local) to this Adapter. At least the local Connection will never be disconnected and it prevents this situation where the issue shows up.

Issue Number: 191373
Fixed on Date: 4.8.2021
Versions: 8.00 0 BUILD 87005 | 8.20 0 BUILD 87225 | zenon Analyzer 3.40 0 BUILD 87645 | 8.10 0 BUILD 86641 | 10 0 BUILD 87728