ES: Driver dialog is not shown and Engineering Studio is blocked if ServiceEngine is run as Service

ES: Driver dialog is not shown and Engineering Studio is blocked if ServiceEngine is run as Service


In the Engineering Studio the driver dialog cannot be opened for configuration when the Service Engine is executed as a service on the same machine. The Engineering Studio cannot be used until the driver process has been killed.


This is caused by the zenDrvOpsManager. The driver then is started in the user context of the zenStartupMgr. Thus, it cannot be started in Engineering Studio if this was started in the context of another user.


This behavior has been modified. The driver can be configured in the Engineering Studio even if the Service Engine is running as a service. The Engineering Studio starts as expected even with different users.


To benefit from this fix:

  • Update your zenon Software Platform to the latest build of zenon 11 or higher.


Item ID: 264428
Version: 11.00 Build: 157700