During the HTML5 Web Engine deployment, the creation of self-signed certificates is not possible and the message "CreateCertificate() failed" is shown.
The Web Engine Deployment Tool is not able to create a self-signed certificate, in order to launch the Web Service and enable HTTPS binding. During the deployment, the message "CreateCertificate() failed" appears in the progress dialog. Further steps cannot be taken, only navigating back to the previous dialog options is possible.
The Web Engine Deployment Tool is not able to create a self-signed certificate, in order to launch the Web Service and enable HTTPS binding. During the deployment, the message "CreateCertificate() failed" appears in the progress dialog. Further steps cannot be taken, only navigating back to the previous dialog options is possible.
An issue has been addressed in the Web Engine Deployment tool, where the creation of a self-signed certificate does not execute successfully. Now It is possible to create the certificate during the deployment process and in the progress dialog, the message "CreateCertificate() failed" does not appear anymore.
A workaround is available. The self-signed certificate can be created manually over the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. The steps are as follows:
1. The Internet Information Services Manager is available over the start menu or by using the "run" command and typing "InetMgr.exe".
2. In the IIS Manager, select "Server Certificates".
3. Over a right click in the table, the "Create Self-Signed certificate..." dialog can be opened.
4. A desired name (e.g "selfSignedCertificate") should be given. The certifcate type must be set to "Personal".
5. After the certificate creation, proceed to the "Sites" folder on the left pane, and select the "Edit Bindings..." dialog over a right click on "Default Web Site".

6. Here, the "https" site binding has to be added (or edited, if already available).
7. In the binding dialog, the "SSL certificate" can be set in a drop-down box. you can select the previously created "selfSignedCertificate" and press "OK". There is no need to edit any of the default settings.
After these steps, the option "use existing configuration" has to be selected in the Web Engine Deployment Tool, in order to avoid the "CreateCertificate failed()" error.
Issue Number: 35945
Fixed on Date: 6.4.2016
Versions: 7.50 0 BUILD 27465