DNP3_TG: Driver does not / cannot switch to redundant connection under specific circumstances

DNP3_TG: Driver does not / cannot switch to redundant connection under specific circumstances


DNP3_TG driver does not switch to redundant connection under certain circumstances. This has been fixed.


DNP3_TG driver does not switch to the redundant connection if the TCP connection to a Terminal Server is established but the DNP3 outstation is not available on the Serial link as the command "RED_SWITCH [netaddress]" is not executed. 


The RED_SWITCH command is not processed due to existing pending requests. As a result, the first IP address is used again instead of the alternative address.


The DNP3_TG driver now switches to the redundant connection if the pending read request retries have expired and if the RED_SWITCH command has been executed in the meantime.

The switch is executed the moment the connection sets its status to “error”. The connection is then idle for the error waiting time. After the error waiting time, the connection to the secondary device will be re-established. Once the RED_SWITCH command has been sent, it will be processed reliably. There is no need to execute the command at a specific time.

To benefit from this fix:

  • Update your zenon Software Platform to the latest build of zenon 10 or higher.


Item ID: 273803
Version: 12.00 Build: 206562
Version: 11.00 Build: 205374
Version: 10.00 Build: 204044