Distributed Engineering – Under specific circumstance it could lead to a variable ID overflow.

Distributed Engineering – Under specific circumstance it could lead to a variable ID overflow.


When creating a new variable in a multi-user project, it could be under specific circumstances, that the process variable at the table shows negative ID values, i.e. -1519677295. As well it is no more possible to create new variables at the zenon Editor, but it is still possible to create functions or modify screens.


When creating a new variable in a multi-user project, it could be under specific circumstances, that the process variable at the table shows negative ID values, i.e. -1519677295. As well it is no more possible to create new variables at the zenon Editor, but it is still possible to create functions or modify screens.


An issue was addressed at the client ID of a variable. Now, it will be reset to 0, when creating a project backup.

Issue Number: 36788
Fixed on Date: 21.10.2016
Versions: 7.50 0 BUILD 32567